Saluting America's Band Directors™ is immensely proud that 270 marchers of the Band Directors Marching Band™ paid tribute to their peers in a most spectacular fashion! Marching in the world-famous Rose Parade before millions of spectators in Pasadena and viewers around the world was an unforgettable experience.
The official Saluting America's Band Directors 2022 Rose Parade video above is SABD's gift to the Band Directors Marching Band. Emil Miller of Sparklight Multimedia was commissioned to create the video; it contains many closeups of our marchers and footage of our rehearsals, performances, the banquet.
This heart-pumping video was created by Grace Lukich, featuring the song "The Greatest Show," sung by Hugh Jackman. It's a wonderful overview of the preparation, events and performances of SABD's Rose Parade experience.
The Day 1 gallery is immediately below. For Days 2-5, click the thumbnail photos under "Rose Parade daily photos and videos" following Day 1.
Brass and woodwinds; held in the hotel ballroom due to rain.
The underlined links below will connect you to various Band Director Marching Band Rose Parade content.
Here's who marched with the band in the 2022 Rose Parade.
Meet the five Distinguished Band Directors who were recognized for their significant lifetime accomplishments and how they have demonstrated our theme,“America's Band Directors: We teach music. We teach life.”
Read about the history and purpose of the famed Tournament of Roses.
We thank Eric Mills, Jim Kuebler, Jim McSkimin, Grace Lukich, Ken Martinson of Marching.com, John Cisetti, Sandy Meisel and others who have graciously contributed photographs and videos of our Rose Parade experience to share. We also thank Tom Batiuk, creator of the Funky Winkerbean comic strip, whose character Harry Dinkle has inspired us all. We were proud to recognize Funky and Harry in the Rose Parade.