New York City: the largest city in the United States, with 8 million people speaking more than 800 languages. A city intimidating yet exhilarating.
Saluting America's Band Directors brought in 400 band directors and another 250 staff, friends and family members from 50 states, the District of Columbia and Mexico. Five days later, we emerged as a new family, all speaking the language of music. It was a magical time—increasingly now a blur of colorful images, sounds and even smells of the city.
Will we ever forget the stunning sunrise over Manhattan from Weehawken Riverfront Park, the chills and tears playing Amazing Grace at the 9/11 Memorial, the packed streets of Times Square, the cold, middle-of-the-night rehearsal at Herald Square, or, finally, the cheering crowds ("Go band directors!") of the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade? We will not. And if we can impart just some of these feelings to our band students, we have done very well indeed. Congratulations to the members of The Band Directors Marching Band. You were magnificent.
This video features both the overhead shot of the entire marching band as well as the Herald Square performance on Thanksgiving Day. Courtesy Harrison Reed
The band passes by while playing. Courtesy NYC Parade Life
This final performance of the moving "Amazing Grace" is played on the Manhattan post office steps immediately following the Macy's Parade. Courtesy Brittany Martinez
The rehearsal is recorded from the trombone player's point of view. Courtesy Nick Jacques
Full dress rehearsal at Herald Square, entry, performance, exit and marching on street. Courtesy Jeff Johnson
The BDMB plays a moving version of Taps. Courtesy Jeff Johnson
The National Anthem is played at the wreath-laying ceremony at the 9/11 Memorial. Courtesy Thomas Jirik
The BDMB plays Bob Thurston's arrangement of Amazing Grace (front view). Courtesy Thomas Jirik
The BDMB plays Bob Thurston's arrangement of Amazing Grace (side view). Courtesy Angela Sanders
John Cisetti, retired Kansas City-area band director and SABD assistant band director, describes his Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade preparation and experience to KHSB TV. Courtesy John Cisetti
BDMB's plays Amazing Grace during their cold and windy sunrise rehearsal at Weehawken Riverfront Park. Courtesy Sanford Meisel
This version of Amazing Grace, recorded by Conn-Selmer representative Moeen Hosain, captured the best audio. Courtesy Moeen Hosain
BDMB rehearses their performance in Herald Square at Weehawken Riverfront Park. Courtesy Jim McSkimin
In honor of 9/11, 102 members of the BDMB virtually combined to play Bob Thurston's arrangement of Amazing Grace; Joel Daniel, bagpipe soloist,
Students and friends of the members of the BDMB produced video clips of themselves wishing their teachers good luck at the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade.
Wesley Whatley, creative producer of the Macy's Parade, along with director Jon Waters, announces the invitation to participate in the Parade.
Sinatra, Belushi and Kermit help us get ready for our upcoming special announcement.